Tbilisi Emacs Meetup

2023-11-26 (Sun) 15:30


We're going to meet in person in a private space near Vere (Merab Kostava St., 59). To attend, send a message to nuclearspace at gmail dot com, or message @akater on Telegram. You'll be provided with precise location and you'll be able join the meetup's Telegram group, if you wish.

A wall display will be available; if you want to use it, just bring a laptop with HDMI output port. We'll provide a 1m HDMI cable.

Meetup languages: Russian, English


We mostly have free flowing conversations at our Emacs meetups. However, some talks are expected:

  • (if we get lucky) Emacs: what user freedom is about
  • Elisp and Emacs from the package developer POV
  • Writing Elisp in Org Mode


We are going to sit on a terrace, have some Georgian wine and probably talk about GNU Emacs, again (of course).